Entrance tickets to the Hermitage
Discover the Hermitage and its beauties
Ordinary ticket: € 5,00
Reduced price ticket: € 3,00 reserved for:
- Over 65
- Citizens resident in the province of Varese
- Groups with more than 15 people
Discount ticket: € 4,00 reserved for:
- members of FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano with valid membership card
FREE entrance reserved for:
- tourist guides in the exercise of their professional activity
- tourist interpreters from the European Union when working alongside the guide
- members of the I.C.O.M. (International Council of Museums)
- visitors under 18 years of age
- groups or groups of students from public and public schools in the European Union, accompanied by their teachers, subject to prior booking
- teachers and students enrolled in the faculties of architecture, conservation of the cultural heritage, educational sciences and degree courses in literature or literary subjects with an archaeological or historical-artistic focus in the faculties of literature and philosophy, or in corresponding faculties and courses set up in the Member States of the European Union, upon presentation of the enrolment certificate for the current academic year
- teachers and students enrolled in the academies of fine arts or corresponding institutes of the European Union, upon presentation of the certificate of enrolment for the year
- school teaching staff, whether permanent or with a fixed-term contract, upon presentation of the appropriate certificate issued by the educational institutions
- disabled persons and their family members or other accompanying person who can prove teachers and students enrolled at the academies of fine arts or corresponding institutions of the European Union, upon presentation of the certificate of enrolment for the current academic year
- citizens resident in the Municipality of Leggiuno
- religious pilgrimages accompanied by a priest for the celebration of Holy Mass by prior booking. (N.B. This facilitation is not applied in the case of a simultaneous visit to the Hermitage; in this case, access is equated to visits and therefore the entrance fee will be applied)
The ticket for the use of the lift costs € 1,00
The lift is FREE of charge for persons with motor disabilities and accompanying person. that they are members of social and health care services citizens resident in the Municipality of Leggiuno religious pilgrimages accompanied by a priest for the celebration of Holy Mass by prior booking. (N.B. This facilitation is not applied in the case of a simultaneous visit to the Hermitage; in this case, access is equated to visits and therefore the entrance fee will be applied)